preparing for missouri divorce attorney meeting

The first meeting with your Missouri divorce attorney is important. It is your opportunity to see if this will be a good fit, if your attorney is knowledgeable, and to present what is happening in your life. You can both establish expectations and how to communicate with one another through the divorce process.

While divorce can be an incredibly stressful time in your life, the right lawyer can help make all the difference. They can guide you through the complex legal process, help you handle the financial and familial challenges, and develop a strong case strategy. 

At Wegmann Law Firm, we know what you are dealing with. The end of a marriage is often a highly contentious time. At your first meeting, we will help you determine your next steps and the best path forward for you and your family. 

Steps You Can Take To Prepare for Your Initial Meeting

The following steps can help you come prepared and make the most of your first meeting with a Missouri divorce attorney.

1. Create a Written Summary

It is often difficult to remember all of the details you want to in the moment. Write down critical details about your situation before you come in. This way, you have notes to help you remember it all and your attorney can review it.

Details you should include are:

  • Full names of both spouses and all children
  • Phone numbers
  • Dates of birth
  • Social security numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Other spouse’s attorney information, if any
  • Occupations and annual income
  • Date of your marriage
  • Information about your marital home, other real property, and all assets
  • Information about investments and bank accounts

2. Bring Important Documents

It is especially helpful to bring important documents that will help with your divorce case. These can help answer questions about spousal support, child support, asset division, and much more. Documents you should bring include:

  • Pay stubs
  • Tax returns
  • Legal documents
  • Any evidence of financial misconduct by the other spouse

3. Details About Marital and Individual Assets

Your attorney will need as much information as possible about the assets you and your spouse own. This is true of stuff you own together and anything you own individually. If possible, you should also identify whether you acquired the property before your marriage or during the time you were married, as this can have an important legal impact. 

Assets you should consider include:

  • All homes and real estate
  • Cars and other vehicles
  • Rental properties
  • Bank accounts
  • Investment, stocks, and bonds
  • Retirement accounts
  • Personal property

4. Bring Information About Your Debts and Liabilities

In addition to information about your marital assets, you should bring information about whatever debts you individually or jointly have as a couple. This could include credit card debt, a mortgage, personal loans, or anything else you owe.

Many debts are shared by the parties, but there are many nuances to this as well. Your attorney needs to know what you owe, to whom, and when it is due. This can help prevent any issues with default or collections happening during the pendency of your divorce.

Schedule Your First Meeting with a Missouri Divorce Lawyer

At the Wegmann Law Firm, we provide local representation you can count on. We answer your questions and help you prepare for the first meeting. Our team then walks with you throughout the divorce process to make it as successful as possible for you and your family.

Our experienced Missouri divorce lawyers are ready to meet with you and help you get started. Request a consultation today to get started.